Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI)
Empower Your Child's Development with DMI Therapy
Unlock your child's potential with Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) Therapy, the leading solution for children with gross motor delays. Whether your child is overcoming developmental challenges or striving to reach new milestones, DMI provides the support they need to thrive.
Discover the Power of DMI Therapy
Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is a quick growing therapeutic technique used by both occupational and physical therapist that helps children achieve their gross motor milestones. Through carefully prescribed dynamic exercises, DMI stimulates neuroplasticity, fostering new neural connections that propel your child's development forward.
Who Can Benefit from DMI?
- Children with Motor Delays: Including conditions such as Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, hypotonia, global developmental delay, chromosomal abnormalities/genetic disorders, spinal cord lesions, or brain injuries may benefit from this form of therapy.
- At-Risk Infants: Especially those born prematurely, benefiting from the strong neuroplastic changes DMI promotes.
- Orthopedic Conditions: Such as torticollis, toe walking, and genu valgum.
How is DMI Different From Traditional Methods?
- Provokes the highest level of gross motor independence - Manual exercises challenge the child within each functional task to achieve outcomes, often beyond expectations.
- Progresses support from proximal to distal (support given lower on the body) with hands-free- Each time we give the childless support, the child has to activate with more postural control and work harder towards strength and independence.
- Progress through exposure to gravity- The ability to keep our body aligned against gravity’s forces requires input through several sensory systems, as well as strength and coordination, to be consistently successful. DMI helps children gain these skills rapidly so they can maintain their posture in all positions.
- Harnesses the power and science of neuroplasticity to trigger rapid changes- Research in the field of brain science gives us guidelines to provoke the brain to make new strong connections to support gross motor tasks and functions. DMI utilizes these guidelines for rapid and explosive gross motor progress.
- Healthy muscle length is achieved and maintained through active functional stretching - DMI utilizes dynamic stretching techniques within functional tasks so stretches are longer lasting and maintained to avoid muscle lengthening surgeries.
- Develops skeletal and joint maturity and alignment- Children with disabilities frequently face orthopedic challenges that may result in debilitating chronic pain and surgeries. DMI utilizes exercises that promote aligned weight bearing and musculoskeletal activation for long-term orthopedic health

Please visit the DMI Therapy website, dmitherapy.com for more information.